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Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
posted: May 23, 2024

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Paying Peanuts Can Attract Surprise Visitors
The majestic Blue Jay is a favorite in my backyard. This large songbird with its perky crest; blue, white, and black plumage; and noisy call only has to be enticed to visit my feeder just minutes after I spread peanuts-in-the-shell on the platform. The jay spots them (I think he must be watching for me all day); announces his peanut buffet with scratchy, loud calls; picks up a whole peanut, and proceeds to a strong tree limb to crack the nut and dine! He could also be stashing it for later. His partner and friends will soon follow.

Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
image courtesy of Jeffrey L. Stone

Blue Jays mate for life and stay with their mate all year round; they are loyal and protective of their family. That is why Blue Jays symbolize strength, confidence, and clear communication although they can have the reputation of being loud, aggressive, and mean. Some people even believe they associate good luck with them. I find them fascinating and enjoy attracting them to their feeder.
They also perform "anting" which is the process in which the bird, with wings spread and tail tucked between its legs, grabs an ant in its bill and rubs it through its feathers before swallowing the ant. But you will have to explore the theory of why @ Project Feeder Watch

Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
image courtesy of Jeffrey L. Stone

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Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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