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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz Answers

Box Office Flops
1) L. Ron Hubbard
2) Mario and Luigi (Super Mario Bros.)
3) Eddie Murphy
4) Pixar
5) Moneyball Question: Edgar Rice Burroughs

Picture Round - Stage Plays
1) A Streetcar Named Desire (Tennessee Williams)/ Jessica Tandy (Blanche DuBois)
2) Doubt - A Parable/ Moonstruck
3) King Lear/ Cordelia
4) War Horse/ 1918
5) The Crucible (Arthur Miller)/ House Un-American Activities Committee

May 21st - The Day in History
1) The Mississippi
2) Harvey Milk
3) Bette Midler
4) All My Children
5) Moneyball Question: 1927 and 1932

Animalistic Answers
1) Sheepshank
2) Birdbrain
3) Dogma
4) Outfox
5) Moneyball Question: Lionize

1) Motorcycle Racing (MotoGP)
2) Paris-Dakar Rally
3) A Funny Car
4) Trucks (Stadium Super Trucks)
5) Moneyball Question: Northamptonshire

Musical Names
1) Fats (Thomas Waller and Antoine Domino)
2) Calypso
3) The Replacements
4) Gloria
5) Moneyball Question: Ilya (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

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(next pub. date: Jun. 06, 2024)

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